Billions of IP in Silicon

Bespoke and Customized PCIe and Multi-protocol SERDES
Largest Portfolio of Analog Foundation IP in Clocking, Sensor and IO’s
New Differentiated IP’s
N3 Working Test Chips and Early Production Chips
Automotive Grade N5A Test Chip Silicon Proven
New High Accuracy Sensor

Analog Bits and TSMC -

N6 & N7

Analog Bits and TSMC have collaborated closely on N7 and N6 processes for several years. We were one of the first vendors to have gained access to N6 process rules and test-chips and we were on the very first shuttle of N6 seamlessly taping out all the N7 IP’s on N6. Working with some of our key customers in N6, we have added additional IP’s to enhance our portfolio of offerings in this process.

More Analog Bits IPs

Benefits of this advanced node collaboration

  • Largest Portfolio of Analog Foundation IP in Clocking, Sensor and IO’s
    • New Differentiated IP’s
      • Clocking – 20GHZ C2C PLL, PCIe5 Ref Clock LC PLL
      • Sensors – Power Supply Glitch Detectors, Pinless and Clockless PVT Sensor
      • IO’s – C2C for Chiplets
  • Production Proven Designs Across World-wide Customers
  • Automotive Grade IP in N7

Some new and novelty IP’s we have in N6 & N7

  • Clocking – C2C PLL, Ref Clock PLL’s for PCIe 3/4/5
  • Sensors – Power Supply Glitch Detector, POR Macro, Bandgaps, custom low-power ADC’s
  • IO’s – C2C IO’s, Differential clock drivers and receivers, Low Noise Crystal Oscillator Pads and Crystal-less RC Oscillator Pads

Product Datasheets for TSMC - N6 & N7


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